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    Mr. Sujitao, Vice-president of the School Board and Chairman of the Education Foundation, Attended the Unveiling Ceremony of Su Huazan Library.

    On December 28, 2016, the unveiling ceremony of Su Huazan Library was held in our middle school. Mr. Su Jitao, honorary citizen of Zhongshan, vice-president of the school board and chairman of the education foundation, attended the ceremony with his family.

    After the ceremony, Mr. Su was shown around the new campus, accompanied by Principal Gao Yi and other school leaders. He spoke highly of the new campus and took photos in front of the library and other buildings.

    After that Mr. Su visited our high school and planted a tree in the school with his family.

    Mr. Su said he would always support the development of Overseas Chinese Secondary School in the hope of carrying forward overseas Chinese culture and spirit and he wished the best for the school.